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On behalf of important sub-subsidiary KoBrite Taiwan Corporation, announced re-election list of director/supervisor

1. Date of occurrence of the change: 2018/05/14

2. Appointment of or changed personnel (juristic-person director, juristic-person supervisor, independent director, natural-person director or natural-person supervisor): juristic-person director, juristic-person supervisor

3. Title, name and resume of the replaced personnel:

Director- KoBrite Corporation Representative- LIAW, TSUNG-JEN (President of Bright LED Electronics Corp.)

Director- KoBrite Corporation Representative- Fan, JOHN CHIN CHIANG (President of Kopin Corporation)

Director- KoBrite Corporation Representative- HSIEH, CHI-CHIA (President of Microelectronics Technology Inc.)

Supervisor- KoBrite Corporation Representative- WOO, SHAO-LING (Supervisor of Kobrite Taiwan Corporation)

Supervisor- KoBrite Corporation Representative- YU, KUAN-HSUN (Supervisor of Kobrite Taiwan Corporation)

4. Title, name and resume of the new personnel:

Director- KoBrite Corporation Representative- LIAW, TSUNG-JEN (President of Bright LED Electronics Corp.)

Director- KoBrite Corporation Representative- HSIEH, CHI-CHIA (President of Microelectronics Technology Inc.)

Director- KoBrite Corporation Representative- LIAO, HSIN-PEI (Director of Bright LED Electronics Corp.)

Supervisor- KoBrite Corporation Representative- YU, KUAN-HSUN (Supervisor of Kobrite Taiwan Corporation)

5. Type of the change (please enter: resignation, discharge, tenure   expired, death or new appointment ): Tenure expired

6. Reason for the change: Tenure expired

7. Number of shares held by the new personnel at the time of appointment: 50,000,000 shares

8. Original term (from __________ to __________): 2015/04/20 ~ 2018/04/20

9. Effective date of the new appointment: 2018/05/14

10. Rate of turnover of directors of the same term: Not applicable

11. Rate of turnover of supervisor of the same term: Not applicable

12. Rate of turnover of independent director of the same term: Not applicable

13. Change in one-third or more of directors (Yes or No): Yes

14. Any other matters that need to be specified: No